Welcome to the 2K Community

This section of our Support Site is dedicated to keeping gamers in the loop about the bugs we have found, often with your help in our Support tickets, as well as any known workarounds. Our team of experts is working hand-in-hand with the testers and developers to identify issues and provide clarity on their progress.

Using upvotes lets us know how widespread an issue is, which can help improve 2K’s understanding and approach!

When you see your issue on the 2K Community, you can select “Follow” in the upper right corner. This sends a notification to your inbox when we post a progress update or workaround.

This is primarily a one-way communication channel where we can keep you up to date. If you encounter a bug you'd like to report and don't see it already here on the Community, you'll still use our 2K Support Site ticket system and our agents will help gather the information necessary for a post which ensures the right folks are aware of the problems you've run into. If you see the issue you've run into listed already, all you need to do is upvote it!



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