[2K Account] Account Management

BY Little Sister



Your 2K Account is a great way to connect your game platforms to your 2K games, and linking it may be required if you want to play some of our games online - such as LEGO 2K Drive. If you're having any trouble with this, we've put together a guide that should help you. In case you need more help, send us a Support Ticket!


How to create a 2K Account:

  • Step 1: Visit the 2K Portal at https://portal.2k.com
  • Step 2: Select Sign up
    • You should sign up with your email address (not with a game account)
    • If you already have an account you just need to select Log In
  • Step 3: From here, you will need to verify your Date of Birth and Country/Region
    • You will need to be over your country's age for accessing online content - this can vary by region
    • If you are under the age required by your region, you may have limited options to play online in our games
  • Step 4: A verification email will be sent to the email address listed, so this is where you need to head into your inbox and follow the link provided to you
    • If you don't see it, be sure to check any spam or junk folders
  • Step 5: Once verified, you should be all set to log into the website


Updating or changing information on your 2K Account (email address, location, language, etc):

  • Visit the 2K Portal at https://portal.2k.com
  • Enter your current email on the account and password (even if this is the email address you need to update!) but if you can't use those for any reason, you can use your platform ID (Steam, Xbox, Playstation, etc) found below the 2K Account login fields
  • If this is your first time logging into this 2K Account on the 2K Portal, you may be asked for information like your region, date of birth, or what Display Name you'd like to use
  • Once you've logged in you'll be taken to Account Overview where you can see your current email and Account Information
  • To change your Display Name, or your First/Last Name, click update to the right of the Account Information title and fill in the fields with the correct information, then click Save in the bottom right corner - but to update your country you'll need to send us a Support Ticket
  • For your email address update, click Update to the right of Account Email - once you've entered the new email address click the red Save button in the lower right corner of that box
  • When you want to change the Password for your 2K account, visit the Security section from the list on the left side of the page, click update, and enter both the current and desired new password, then click Save
  • In case you need to connect or disconnect a linked account (Steam, Xbox Network, Apple, etc) you'll visit the Connections screen by selecting it from the list on the left side of the page and then use Connect or Disconnect buttons under each network