Civilization VI: Leader Pass Comes to Consoles

BY Fairy Punchfather



Great news! If you were waiting for the Civilization VI Leader Pass on console, it has arrived. Even better, if you’ve purchased the Civilization VI Anthology (or purchase all of the content that's included in it separately at any time), you'll be eligible to receive the Leader Pass for no additional charge.

How you can access this content will vary depending on your platform:


  • Make sure to select the “Free to Use” Leader Pass instead of the paid option.


  • You will need to purchase the Leader Pass, but it will be discounted 100% (So it’ll be free!)


First, the store will check to make sure that you have both the Expansion Bundle and the New Frontier Pass.

  • If you own both or own the Anthology, you can “purchase” the free version.
  • If you own neither, you will see a paid version.
  • If you own one but not the other, you will need to purchase whichever you do not have to see the Leader Pass

If you have any of the individual New Frontier Pass DLCs, you will need to complete your collection to get the Free version of the New Frontier Pass.

  • If you already own all 6, the Free New Frontier Pass will show up. Once you “purchase” it, the Leader Pass will become available if you also have the Expansion Bundle.
  • If you own none of them, the Paid New Frontier Pass will show up instead.
  • PS4 users may see a drop-down option for the New Frontier Pass showing both a paid and free version. If you have all the individual DLC from the New Frontier Pass, you’ll simply need to select the free version.

Note: In the case that you own any individual DLC outside of the New Frontier Pass, you will need to purchase the other DLC packs by themselves. Once you have all the DLC, including the New Frontier Pass, you will be able to access the Leader Pass.


If you have any questions or troubles with this process, please contact 2K Customer Support.