If you're having issues running the 1.1 patch for Bioshock, please try the following troubleshooting steps:
- Ensure that you have Administrator privledges on the computer you are trying to run the game on.
- Disable Background Applications and Anti-Virus Software
It is strongly recommended to turn off all background applications when running graphically intensive programs. Many applications can cause errors such as GPFs, color scrambling, loss of sound effects or music, etc. Taking a minute to turn off these applications can save you the trouble of rebooting later. Background applications include such things as System Agent, Norton Utilities, Internet chat utilities, virus checkers and screen savers. Crash guard programs such as First Aid for Windows can also cause problems.
- Download the patch directly from us using one of the following links
v1.1 Patch - Worldwide Retail (27MB) - http://downloads.2kgames.com/bioshock/patch/Bioshock_Version_11_Patch_Worldwide_Retail.zip
v1.1 Patch - USK German and English (27MB) -
*A number of users running Windows Vista and Windows 7 experience crashes after applying the 1.1 fix. Setting the game to "Windows XP SP2" compatibility mode and running it as an administrator often resolves this issue
*If you purchased a digital distribution copy of BioShock (i.e. from Direct2Drive, Steam, or other), do NOT install this patch. Please go to the site you downloaded BioShock from to receive a version of this patch modified to work with your version.
If none of the recommended steps helps to resolve the issue, please click on the 'Subscribe' button at the top of this page to receive email notifications when this article is updated.