
Images Being Replaced After Downloading Creations

When downloading creations from Community Creations, the downloaded images will replace images on other creations.



Комментариев: 4
  • Официальный комментарий

    While this should be resolved for most players, we've gotten reports of an edge case that can still cause it to occur. I'm moving this back to Planned and will update this thread when more information becomes available.

  • This was mistakenly updated as planned for a future update. I've deleted the previous comment but I wanted to provide new messaging to those subscribed to this post. The team is still working on this, but we can't commit to a timeline yet. Follow this post to get email notifications when this post gets an update.

  • Updating this back to Planned. I can't confirm an eta, but this post will be updated when the fix for it goes live.

  • This issue should now be fixed with Patch 10!


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